Legal/DMCA Notice

Hey there! Welcome aboard Venture Breaks. Pleased to have you here. This is probably the best place for you if you love Bollywood and Indian cinema as much as we do. Consider us just another place to go whenever you’re looking for the hottest gossips on the latest films.

Alright, let’s talk about what we do here. If you want to know what is going on in the Indian film industry this spring then venture breaks is something for you. However, it’s not only for hot new movies and celebrity news. In addition, we cast a glance into what is not so discussed, for instance, pirated films. Controversial? Maybe a bit. However, that’s essential, and this is all what we are going to touch upon.

From reviews that feel like chatting with a friend, to interviews that get down to the nitty-gritty, we’re covering it all. And yes, while we love the glitz and the drama, we don’t shy away from the serious stuff either.

Now, let’s get real for a sec. We love our movies and all the drama that comes with them, but there’s something super important we need to chat about – keeping things legal and above board. We’re all for having a blast, but not at the expense of stepping on toes or breaking the rules.

This is why we’re pretty strict about copyright stuff on our site. It’s like this – imagine you made this awesome movie, and then someone just swiped it without saying ‘thanks’ or ‘hey, can I?’. Not cool, right? Therefore, this is why Venture Breaks is ensuring that everyone plays by the rules, i.e., the producers, viewers, and of course including Venture Break itself.

And that’s why we have these Legal/DMCA Notices. It’s our way of saying, “Hey, let’s enjoy all this amazing content, but let’s also be cool about it and respect the folks who made it.” After all, it’s about keeping the good vibes going in our little movie-loving community.

Copyright Infringement Policy

Reporting Copyright Infringement

So, you’ve stumbled upon something on Venture Breaks that you think shouldn’t be here? Let’s walk you through how you can let us know about it. We’re all about keeping things above board, so your help in flagging any hiccups is super appreciated!

Required Information for Reporting Copyright Infringement

  1. Your John Hancock (or the Digital Equivalent): We need your signature to kick things off. This could be your actual handwritten signature or an electronic version. If you’re representing someone else as their official go-to person, your signature works too.
  2. Spotlight on the Original Work: Tell us about the copyrighted work that you believe has been infringed. It could be anything from a movie, a song, to an article – whatever it is, give us the deets.
  3. Where’s the Problem?: Next, point us to the material on our site that you think is stepping on the toes of the copyrighted work. A link, a description, or anything that helps us find it easily.
  4. How Do We Reach You?: Your contact info is crucial. Email, phone number, carrier pigeon (just kidding about the pigeon) – whatever works best for you.
  5. Cross Your Heart: We need a statement from you saying that you truly believe that the use of the material isn’t authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law. Plus, you gotta confirm that the info you’re providing is spot-on, to the best of your knowledge.

Instructions on How to Submit a Copyright Infringement Complaint

So, you’ve got all your ducks in a row? Great! Now, it’s time to send it our way. Just shoot an email over to with all the details we talked about. Make sure the subject line is clear – something like “Copyright Infringement Report” would be perfect.

Once we get your email, we’ll take a look at everything and follow up if we need more info. We’re committed to dealing with these issues quickly and fairly because we know how important it is.

And hey, we really appreciate you helping us keep things legit and respectful of everyone’s hard work. It’s folks like you who help us maintain the cool, creative space that Venture Breaks is meant to be!

DMCA Notice Submission

Alright, let’s talk about how you can submit a DMCA notice to us. It’s like sending a message in a bottle, but way more effective and, let’s be honest, a lot quicker.

Designated Agent Information

First things first, you need to know who to send your DMCA notice to. Think of them as your point person at Venture Breaks for all things copyright-related.

  1. Name of Company: Venture Breaks
  2. Adress: Notus IT Park Office Building, India
  3. City/State: Gujarat
  4. Email Address:
  5. Phone Number: +91 3087737348, +92 3087737348.

Steps for Submitting a DMCA Notice

Now, let’s break down the steps to get your DMCA notice from your outbox to our inbox.

  1. Dot the I’s and Cross the T’s: Make sure you’ve got all the necessary info. Your signature, details about the copyrighted work, the problematic material on our site, your contact info, and that all-important good-faith statement.
  2. What’s the Issue?: Be clear about what’s got you concerned. Is it a photo, an article, a video? The more specific you are, the better we can understand the situation.
  3. How to Get in Touch: You’ve got our contact details, now share yours! We might need to reach out for a bit more info or to let you know we’ve sorted things out.

Sending a DMCA notice might sound a bit formal and daunting, but it’s really just about having a conversation. We’re here to listen and to make things right. So, if you ever need to drop us a DMCA notice, just follow these steps and we’ll take it from there. Thanks for helping us keep Venture Breaks a cool, legal, and respectful place for everyone!

Counter Notification

Got a notification from us that something of yours was taken down, but you’re like, “Wait a minute, that’s not right”? Alright, let’s chat about how you can set the record straight with a counter notification. Think of it as your chance to tell your side of the story.

Conditions for Submitting a Counter Notification

Let’s break down what you need to include in your counter notification. It’s like baking a cake – you gotta make sure you have all the right ingredients.

  1. Your Autograph (Digital or Ink): Just like with the DMCA notice, we need your signature. Whether it’s penned on paper or typed up, it’s got to be yours.
  2. Highlight the Missing Piece: Tell us about the material that was removed. Maybe it’s a blog post, a photo, or a video – whatever it is, help us pinpoint it.
  3. Swear on It: We need a statement from you, under penalty of perjury, that you believe the material was removed as a result of a mistake or misidentification. It’s like saying, “I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.”

Instructions on Submitting a Counter Notification

Ready to get your counter notification over to us? Here’s how you can do that.

Whip up an email with all the stuff we talked about – your signature, details about the removed material, and your statement under penalty of perjury. Once you’ve got it all together, send it over to

When you’re writing your email, make it clear in the subject line that it’s a counter notification. Something like “Counter Notification to DMCA Removal” should do the trick.

After we get your email, we’ll take a look at everything you’ve said and check it against our records. We’ll get in touch if we need anything more from you. And if everything checks out, we’ll work to resolve the issue and, if appropriate, get your content back up on the site.

Remember, we’re here to help and make sure everything’s fair and square. So, if you ever need to send us a counter notification, just follow these steps. We appreciate your patience and cooperation in keeping everything on the up-and-up at Venture Breaks!

Repeat Infringer Policy

Okay, let’s talk about something a bit serious – our policy for those who keep tripping over the copyright line. It’s like when your mom tells you not to touch the cookie jar, but you keep sneaking in for a cookie. Eventually, there are consequences, right? Same deal here.

Zero-Tolerance Policy for Repeat Infringers

First up, we’ve got a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to repeat infringers. Think of it like a “three strikes and you’re out” rule, but sometimes it might not even take three strikes. We love having you around, but we’ve got to keep things fair and legal – for everyone.

Consequences for Users Violating Copyright Policies Multiple Times

So, what happens if someone keeps playing fast and loose with the rules? Well, it’s not fun, but we might have to show them the exit. This means we could temporarily block access to certain features, or in more serious cases, wave goodbye and close their account. It’s like being grounded, but for our website.

Process for Terminating User Accounts in Case of Repeat Infringement

If it comes down to saying farewell to an account because of repeated slip-ups, here’s how it goes:

Strike One, Two, and Three: We keep track of infringements. If we notice a pattern, that’s a big red flag.

Fair Warning: We believe in second chances. So, we’ll definitely reach out and let you know that things aren’t looking great. This is your cue to straighten up and fly right.

The Final Decision: If things don’t change, we have to make the tough call. We’ll send an email explaining that your account is being closed because of repeated copyright issues.

Closing the Curtain: Once the decision is made, access to your account will be shut down. No more posts, comments, or access to any of the cool stuff on Venture Breaks.

We really don’t like getting to this point. We’re all about having fun, sharing great content, and enjoying the world of entertainment together. But rules are rules, and they’re there to make sure everyone plays fair and respects each other’s work.

Remember, we’re here to have a good time and share our love for movies and entertainment, but let’s keep it cool and play by the rules. That way, everyone gets to enjoy the party at Venture Breaks!

Contact Information

Okay, we’re about wrapping up our little guide on that. It is just the same as when attending a birthday or other such parties. That translates to making sure we have your contacts for further clarification of the copyright issues as far as we are concerned.

Dedicated Email Address for Copyright-Related Questions or Concerns

Alright, if you’ve got some burning questions or maybe a bit of a concern about copyright stuff, don’t sweat it. Got a question, a concern, or maybe just want to chat about something copyright-related? We’ve got an email for that. Shoot your queries over to It’s like having a direct line to the folks who can help you out. We’re pretty quick with replies, but give us a bit of time to get back to you – we want to make sure we’ve got all the right answers for you.

Request for Users to Use the Provided Contact Information for Legal Matters

And in case you are seeking something relating to the legal side of things such as DMCA, copyright or any other form of seriousness, feel free to use the same email. This helps us to bring everything together and ensure that your message goes to the appropriate eyes and ears.

And hey, we really mean it when we say we’re here to help. Whether it’s clearing up confusion, sorting out a problem, or just answering your questions, don’t hesitate to drop us a line. We’re all about maiking sure Venture Breaks stays a fun, safe, and respectful place for everyone. So, keep those emails coming – we’re always ready to listen and lend a hand!

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